2. It was a great way to make new friends that also live in and around the Los Angeles Area
5. I got to explore downtown Los Angeles (don't screech, it's not that bad =)).

Citrus limetta is a species of citrus. Common names for varieties of this species include sweet limetta, Mediterranean sweet lemon, sweet lemon, and sweet lime. In India, it is commonly called mousambi, mosambi, or musambi. -Wikipedia
In any case, I was at Restoration Hardware a couple of weeks back, not by intention but more because it was the quickest way out of the mall. As I was walking to the exit, a huge wooden box with the words "Clue" caught my eye. At that moment I fell in love with the game all over again. So I waited a week or two, happened to be walking through Restoration Hardware again and bought the game for 40% off. It was awesome. I've played it twice now, but there were only two of us so it wasn't as fun. If anyone wants to play, let me know!
Also, I think my picture that just zooms in on the word "Clue" is much better than my attempt to take a picture of the wooden box...thoughts?